Solides Tecnologia Profile

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Profile Information

Solides is specialized in software to identify the behavioral profile used in the process of hiring, management and development of persons made for professionals of the HR, Coach, Educators and Trainers.

The main benefits begotten are the raise of productivity through the adequate adjustment of profile and function, and the reduction of costs with Turnover.

We're at a target market evaluated in US$8bi annual and we have competitors like Myers - Brigss PI, SuccessTools, discus, Etalent, Quantum and others.

Our methodology innovates blending the main behavioral theories, creating a faster application and a richer report of relevant information. The person responds to a questionary non manipulated in 7 minutes and instantaneously the software returns a complete report about the profile.


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ExperienceAlessandro Garcia, 37, graduado em Estatística na UFMG, MBA em Engenharia e Inovação, UaiTec, graduado em Entrepreneurship and innovation em Stanford University. Empreendedor desde 1999. Criou e coordena o, o maior portal de RH das américas. Criou um dos softwares para agronegócios mais vendido no Brasil (Procreare), e desenvolveu o algoritmo principal do Profiler, reconhecido pela FINEP como produto inovador. Na Solides exerce a função de CEO.