We offer secure Point-2-multi point communication between users, apps, devices and “things”, outside firewalls. It’s anonymized, advanced elliptical curve encrypted, multi-factor authenticated and geoposition mashup. But most important; we don’t store any data. We know nothing, what we call “Forgetful Networking”.
Build apps and enterprise communication solutions where you have complete control over what and where data should be stored and what should be forgotten. We don’t know anything about your users and their data. And that’s the best way we can protect your data, by not having any data to protect.
ExperienceI am a true entrepreneur that get energized by new challenges!
> Start-up Management
> Branding
> Market Management
> Product Launch
> Internet Marketing
> Inbound Marketing
> Scaling and rapid growth
> MarCom
> web development and design
Some people call me a "one-man marketing department" but I think that sets limitations.
I'd prefer being called "the market oriented entrepreneurial guy that gets thing done". :)
Over the years I've gathered a lot of experience in many areas of running all aspects of businesses, starting from product development, project management, customer management, sales, strategic marketing, hands-on marketing, international sales & marketing and starting high-tech companies. My age and track record speaks of seniority but still having that curiosity that puts me in the front line of technology and market changes.