new videos on youtube by yachtgarage.
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12 years ago
12 years ago
the new floating - inflatable Yacht Garage is ready
12 years ago
I have problem to upload my company information on the METS portal.... any idea?
12 years ago
looking for a partner in USA to sell our patented products for shipyards . check our web page good margins!
12 years ago
Looking for partners worlwide to develope a very interesting product ! It is a new and patented temporary structures for shipyards
12 years ago
Yacht Garage si occupa della produzione di macchinari per cantieri navali.Capannoni fissi e mobili, cabine di verniciatura, tratt. acque
13 years ago
Yacht Garage follows 1 new Company
12 years ago
Profile Information
Till now we started the business in Italian Market only with excellent feedback. From Sept 2012 we will start in France but our product have a very good potential worlwide. I would like to sell shares of the company to people who wants to develope different markets. Know How is italian, patents are italian but can be extended worlwide ,production is in China,we have no competitors.