Digicon Media is a Worldwide computer generated (CGI), animated and reality television production company. Digicon is a pioneer in the development of Internet based global branded avatars, virtual actors and "synthespians".
It was founded in Los Angeles as Digicon Entertainment in 1995, creating the first interdisciplinary media company combining award winning producers and creators from television, multi-national advertising and the newly emerging medium of the internet to advance entertainment and marketing in all media originating on the internet.
In 1996 Digicon anticipated the transformation of global branded entertainment and advertising through hyperrealistic computer generated motion capture live animation. After identifying the leading developer of live motion capture animation software it directed the creation and production of the first computer generated digital virtual actor that could perform on and from the Internet in all media.
The company determined that the creation of the first virtual actress that "lived" in cyberspace and worked in all media for entertainment, advertising and marketing should adopt the persona of Marilyn Monroe, the most popular icon of Hollywood and glamour recognized around the world.